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Fast New Electric Fork-lift Trucks
'TWO new Rapide electric fork-lift I trucks produced by. Lansin g -Ba g nall, Ltd., Basin g stoke, operate at speeds of up t o 14 m.p.h. and are e q ually suited to workin g......
Municipal Opportunities
Blackburn Corporation have ordered 12 Guy Arab clAssis. Guildford Housing Committee are recommended to buy a van. Leamington Spa Water Committee with to obtain a Thames lorry.......
Mechanical Cleaning • For Rear Of Buses
rA A WAY of mechanically cleanin g the rears of double-deck buses has been evolved by Mr. Cecil Wilson, superintendent of the Leicester Avenue depot of Doncastcr Transport......
Export Cabs By'' Duramin
1--t A NEW heavy-duty export-type cab was shown at a display or g anized by the Duramin En g ineerin g Co., Ltd., Stone fi eld Way, Ruislip, Middx, last week. Known as the......