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Ribble Has Co-operated With Two Councils To Produce A New...
The deal will be operating in the Blackburn area and is the result of an agreement between Ribble, Lancashire County Council and Blackburn Borough Council, which is believed to......
National Tours Plans Rejected
NATIONAL Travel (North East) Ltd's plans to offer one, two and three-day trips to the Continent direct from eight West Yorkshire towns (CM, April 22), have, with one exception,......
Sheffield Ballots On 40 Hr Week
CHAOS regined in Sheffield this week as busmen continued their overtime ban in protest at the length of time taken to reach an agreement overpay and conditions. Now the men are......
Peak Bus Connections
POTTERIES Motor Traction's Hanley, Buxton and Sheffield service has been extended to start from Stoke station allowing new rail connections with Wolverhampton, Birmingham and......