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Union Fury Over Dot Opt-out Plan For Sr Working Week
• by Karen Mlles The Transport and General Workers Union is launching a furious campaign against the Government after discovering UK truck drivers could become the only ones in......
Greenland Goes Monmouth-based Greenlands Transport, Which...
as far back as 1928, has thrown in the towel. blaming fuel and VED rates. Five out of the six staff have found other jobs.......
Sheen Voiyos Smith's Of Bury Is Appealing For Help After
two tractors and a rigid containing copper wire and stainless steel were stolen from its site on 1May. The Volvo F12, FL10 and F1617 were all painted green and red and......
Coming Attraction Due To Production Problems Our Feature...
a VED reduction by fitting emission reducing equipment to your truck, as highlighted on this week's cover, will now appear in next week's issue.......
Road Report Uk Trunk Roads Deteriorated By Nearly 10% In
1998, according to the National Road Maintenance Condition Survey. It reveals that more than 900 miles of trunk road are in urgent need of repair.......
Yorkshire Hauliers Rally Round
More than 200 furious hauliers have launched a nationwide petition to highlight the plight of British truckers who are losing their livelihoods because of punishing fuel duty......