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"blow Large Hole In Licensing System"
A HAULAGE contractor was told by Sir Hubert Hull, president of the Transport Tribunal, in London on Tuesday that if he were allowed to keep his present licence "it would blow......
Scottish Bus Group Order 276 Vehicles
N EkT year the State-owned Scottish bus group are to buy a total of 276 vehicles for their fleet. They will be of various sizes and will cost a total of approximately £1m. Some......
Objectors Not Called At Reading Hearing
W ITHOUT calling on the objectors, the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners, at Reading on Tuesday, refused to grant licences to operate express services at week-ends and Bank......
Important Ap Peals Decided
British Transport Commission Tit l i i !re won their appeals in the cases of Pike and Roberts, in that these hauliers' licences have been temporarily withheld, but lost that of......