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Abuse Of Licences
Scottish Licensin g Authority on onday refused an application by on Distributors Ltd., of Broxburn, n A 1:cence for six vehicles of 38.1. edon had been granted licences for ron......
10ach Bid Amended Llowing An Amendment To An Pplication By
Ratty Holt Tourin g cc Ltd., Blackpool, at Manchester, 'uesday, objections by seven coach dors were withdrawn. Batty Holt askin g to operate new Continental , vehicles leaving......
Refrigerated Vehicles Bid
A FTER a two-day hearing in Aberdeen last week the Scottish deputy Licensin g Authority, Mr. A. B. Birnie. reserved his decision on an application by Inverdon Transport Co. Ltd.......
Thoroughly Unsatisfactory' Says La.
D EAL1NG with an application by Ketrywyte Transport Ltd., of 23a Brenthouse Road, Hackney, London, for the substitution of five vehicles on B licence, the Metropolitan deputy......
Scottish Car Transporters Refused
I Tuesday at Aberdeen the Scottish Jeputy Licensing Authority refused .pplication by Car Transport Serof Stonchaven for an additional near transporter unit and trailer, a n flat......
Information Wanted Ro Monday In Edinburgh Scottish...
asked the Scottish Licensin g Authority for a B licence for nine vehicles of 40+ tons to carry dry chips and bitumen macadam over a radius of 50 miles from Blackrid g e. Mr.......