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Tight Road Lut Where's He Cash?
1NUS has made a welcome ference (Topic, CM, August 2) the BRF's evidence on the iads White Paper to the Corn )ns Transport Committee: as notes, - the details in Norman wler's......
Operation Lifesaver
WHILE I was in the USA visiting a friend, we were on the freeway coming towards New York, a shattering plea for help came over the car's CB radio, A car had turned over and one......
Are You Sold On This Idea?
MAY WE, through your columns seek support for a proposal designed to aid young schoolleavers? Over two million people are employed in one aspect or another of selling. Yet,......
Just For The Record
I READ with amusement the news item Act Aids Busmen (CM, July 19). I say with amusement because the report quoted The Record, July 1980) was so far from the truth that it must......