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Hawkins Succeeds Wyke Smith At Nbc
RODNEY HAWKINS has been made engineering and technical services director of the National Bus Company, and Martin Harris is the new sales and advertising manager for National......
International Man Is Russ Peters
MARTINTRUX group managing director Russ Peters has been elected chairman of the Road Haulage Association International group. He takes over from John Farrant, BRS Southern's......
Po Parcels Director
MIKE QUILTY has become parcels operations director for the Post Office, responsible for Britain's parcel service handling 600,000 items daily. Mr Guilty is currently deputy......
Manpower Moves
PETER DINGLE, Senior Executive Officer in the Traffic Area Co-ordination Division of the Department of Transport, retired from the Civil Service this week. He was made an MBE in......
Jonckheere Team
ROESELARE SALES has taken on two sales managers to help further penetrate and consolidate Jonckheere's position within the UK coach market. George Stratford takes on......
Fta Elections
FURTHER ELECTIONS have taken place within Freight Transport Association divisions and the following officers have been elected: Notts/Derby. Chairman: Eric Martin (RHM Foods);......
Enoc's Gm
GEOFFREY CLARKSON has been made general manager of Eastern National Omnibus Company, based at Chelmsford. He takes over from Charles Mercer who is retiring. Mr Clarkson is......
Sinclair Honoured By Fta
NORTH SCOTLAND division of Freight Transport Association made a presentation last month at their annual lunch meeting to Jack Sinclair, founder chairman of FTA's Scottish......
Cox Is New Labour Chief At Rha
JOHN COX takes over later this month as the Road Haulage Association's industrial personnel and training manager. Mr Cox, who is the third The RHA industrial relations holder of......