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Holder Missing
• The two-vehicle licence held by Cesare Brandonisio, u - ading as MT Skips, of West Bromwich, was revoked when Brandonisio failed to appear at disciplinary proceedings before......
Friend's Vehicle
• The renewal of the twovehicle licence held by Neasden haulier Francis Collins was refused at a Westminster public inquiry. South Eastern & Metropolitan DLA John Stevenson was......
Time Called
• Environmental representations have led to time restrictions being imposed on the licence for five vehicles and 45 trailers granted to C&Y Gilmour (Scotland), based at......
Improvement Needed
• Viewfield Pallets & Engineering, of Glenrothes, was granted a new twovehicle restricted licence for two yearw , ly, at an Edinburitfaublic inutiry. Scottish LA Michael Betts......
Receivers Kept Documents
• The receivers at Gamwell Engineering, of Aston, Birmingham, have been severely cr . ticised by West Midland LA John Mervyn Pugh for failing to return the company's 0-licence......