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'lib Erate Ra Il Freig
TURNING rail freight into a separate enterprise and allowing it to be partly funded by private investment would be a way of improving the services it offers. These claims were......
Competence Courses
COURSES for the Royal Society of Arts examination for the Certificate of Professional Competence are being run by the Freight Transport Association and EP Training Services of......
Cm Ld Oy Results
THE CM Lorry Driver of the Year staff have pointed out that the original result for the London centre was incorrect. The Class F winner, contrary to an earlier report, was M.......
ERIC MITCHELL has been n manager of both the Long I and Newington Butts bran of Southern British I Services. Mr Mitchell, joined BRS in 1935, has hE number of positions since th......
Obituary We Record With Regret Death Of Thomas Gibb At
76 Gibb established a refriger haulage company at Frz burgh in 1953, on the denatii lisation of much of British F Services.......