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What The Associ Ions Are Doing
1933 Act Blunder: Tribute to "C.M." A TRIBUTE to the vigilance of The Commercial Motor in bringing to light the flaw in Section 11 of the Road and Rail Traffic Act was paid by......
Too Much Freedom For Railways
T 00 much latitude is being given to the railways in the matter of objections, said Mr.' R. W. Sewill, national director of A.R.O., at a meeting in Gloucester, last week. He was......
Educating M.p.s Lancashire Action
" 'THE ignorance on transport 1 matters displayed by some candidates of all parties, who were interviewed during the General Election, was astonishing to those who met them. As......
Progressive Action With Chambers Of Commerce.
A vigorous move is being made by the Amalgamated Horse and Motor Owners Association and the C.M.U.A. (South-East Lanes area) in connection with the Association of British......
83 Per Cent. Of Rail Traffic Uneconomic
THAT over 83 per cent , of rail traffic 1 was carried at uneconomic rates was the contention expressed by Mr. S. A. Macadam, divisional chairman, at the C.M.U.A. West Midland......