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Operators Told: Illegal C-hire Work Must Stop
A STERN warning to C-hire operators was given last week by Mr. Alex Robertson, Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority. He said abuse of the Road and Rail Traffic Act had been going......
Ex-l.t.e. Buses For Ceylon Q1xty Used Double-deckers Are...
),-) purchased from the London Transport Executive by the Ceylon Transport Board, because large numbers of the vehicles which they acquired on nationalization have broken down.......
Bus Width Restriction Would Be Unfair
DECAUSE the Western S.M.T. Co.. Ltd., had been pressed to provide stage services connecting Dumfries with Haugh of Urr and Lockfoot, it was unfair that they should now be......
No Bigger Coal Radius To Avoid Pit Queues Ecause His
vehicles often arrived at colleries to find long queues of lorries waiting to be loaded, a haulier asked the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority. last week, to extend the......
".bus Operators Must Be Allowed To Prune" A Lthough The...
.Commissinners were reluctant to deprive semi-rural areas of existing bus services, operators had to be given latitude to prune where necessary if it could be done without......
Authority Told Lorry's Sway Upsets Sheep
B ECAUSE the swaying of his present four-wheeled vehicle upset sheep being carried to market, a Kirkcudbright haulier was last week allowed to substitute a six-wheeler without......