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• New B.r.s. Branch
rTh. A NEW branch at Rowley Road, Coventry, will be opened next Monday by B.R.S. (Parcels) Ltd. The transit shed covers an area of some 27,000 sq. ft. and encloses entirely the......
Liverpool L.d.o.y.
THE Liverpool eliminating round of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition will be held on June 14. Organizing secretary is Mr. B. E. Kinley, Road Safety Officer, Municipal......
Road Goods Transport Expanding
THROUGHOUT Europe goods traffic I carried by road has increased at least as fast as the total national product; public road and rail passenger services have levelled off or......
Carveyor Transporter For Six •
A S1X-CAR rigid Carveyor transporter has now been built by Carter Engineering Co. (Tamworth) Ltd. The equipment is fitted to a Comrner Avenger coach chassis and can also tow a......
60,000 More Commercials
THERE were nearly lg m. motor I vehicles in use on the roads of Great Britain during the third quarter of 1963, when the annual Ministry of Transport census was taken. This was......