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L.t.e. Makes 10 New Appointments
T EN appointments involving changes in organization were announced on Tuesday by the London Transport Executive. Mr. F. H. Spratling, treasurer, has become staff administration......
Italian Company To Make Tractors In Brazil
I T is reported that the Isotta Fraschini Co., of Italy, is to take over the works of the Fabrica Nacional de Motores. S.A., in which the Brazilian Government holds more than 50......
Scottish I.r.t.e. Dinner
S OME 200 members of the Scottish )Centre of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers and guests attended the annual dinner-dance in Glasgow, on January 3.. The chair was taken......
Carless Liabi,lity Limited
F ORMERLY carried on as a partnership, the business of Carless, Capel and Leonard has now been converted into a limited company bearing the same name. It has a capital of......
Sir Roy Fedden Heads New Leyland Research Project
A NEW establishment to deal solely with long-term research And development is' to be set up by Leyland Motors, Ltd., and will be pioneered by Sir A. H. Roy Fedden, M.B.E.,......
Wage Increase For Sand And Ballast Workers
FIRIVERS of C-licence vehicles have benefited from wage increases of Ild, per hour recently approved by the National Joint Council for the Ballast and Sand Industry. The neW......
New B.h.a. North-western Secretary
T HE North-Western (Western) Area Committee of the Road Haulage Association has appointed Mr, Thomas S. Jacks as area secretary to - succeed. Mr. E. A. Whitehead. who has......