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B.r.s. Conditions Of Carriage Relaxed .
A S from January 1, British Road Services are accepting responsibility for goods destroyed or damaged by fire or explosion while in transit. They said last week that, in these......
Haulier-magistrate Fined
S UMMONED for permitting a lorry to be used with a defective tyre and without a carrier's licence, Harris Williant Winstanley, a Rochdale haulier and a local magistrate, told......
Who Should Pay? Qhould The Council Or Farmers Pay L)
for repairs to roads near milkstands, and the provision of areas for collection vehicles to pull in? This question was discussed at last week's meeting of Northallerton Urban......
A Simple Battery Grab
A SIMPLE battery grab has been introduced by The Elms Garage, Rednal Road, West Heath, Birmingham, 31. When once a grip has been taken on the battery lugs, the action of......
S Authority's Thanks To Operators
THE thanks and admiration of the North Western Licensing Authority are being conveyed to all operators who sent vehicles to help repair the sea wall at Fleetwood, recently......
S.m.t. " Secret " Sale Criticized
THE action of the directors of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd„ in selling "without reference to the stockholders" their two hire-purchase finance companies to the......
Chamber's Prize For Lo.t.
A N annual prize of £5 5s., to be known as the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce Prize, is to be awarded by the Chamber to the most successful candidate in the Institute of......
More Trams To Go
T RAMS are to be abolished on the Walkley-Intake service of Sheffield Transport Department at the end of this year. Tenders are' invited for 45 buses to operate on the route.......
Towns To Unite?
A SPECIAL sub-committee has advised Rawtenstall Corporation to proceed with a joint transport committee scheme with the municipalities of Haslingden and Ramsbottom.......