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A Merican Lorry Manufacturers Are Forecasting That The...
sales will continue this year, with the tendency for hauliers to buy heavier outfits which can carry more freight at relatively little added cost. There are, however, misgivings......
The Minister Of Transport Will Have Powers To Close Tower
Bridge against shipping at various times in the years up to 1976 if a new Bill goes through. The Bill has been deposited by the Corporation of London, to enable it to build a......
Roll-on/roll-off At Dover
nOOD progress is being made by the Dover Harbour Board in reclaiming a six-acre site from the sea to provide additional space at the car ferry terminal. The project includes the......
Free Driver Instruction
yr is not generally known that a driver instruc tion service is available free of charge under which drivers will be taught to get the best results from vehicles fitted with......
New Link Road To M1
uloRic will start shortly on fmile of new "road which will link A610 west of Nottingham with M1 and provide a partial bypass to ease traffic conditions in Nuthall. A grant of......
By Handyman
I N order that high-speed gears will have I. maximum load capacity for their particular duty and size, it is necessary to use case-hardened steel in their manufacture.......
Profile Grinding
shaped at the same time, and the move in to the next pair is controlled by really fine limit indexing. Profile grinding, giving as it does a far higher degree of accuracy in......