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Atte Gou Old Wifit Me?
Here is CM'S chance to help us with our problems. I have just read the most fascinating paperback. It is the Department of Transport's consolidated version of Regulation 543/69.......
...deoetue Awaiut
We welcome the interest in thE Design Council Award for the Jumbo Legs (Dear Sir, CM, June 9). We agree that there ir "nothing new under the sun" but, during the thorough......
E Mu* Chive
I am interested in transpor and have read much gener information but what I nee is practical experience. I would like to work in a sm transport company for par of my school......
Tke Tega We Heed ...
I refer to the article "The legs we need" (CM, May 19). I enclose a photograph showing that both Mr Mousley and the Design Council are wrong. Pitt Trailers built about 20 such......