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Lt May Make Buses For Other Operators
THE FIRST STEP towards allowing London Transport to make and sell buses to any customers was taken Iasi week when the Commons gave a Second Reading to a Bill which aims to......
Hours Law ‘unworkabil Quin
EUROPEAN rules govern drivers' hours wl unworkable in their pres form, the Northants A Coach Operators dinner'. told last week. Mr Denis Qi director-general of the C federation......
Sounding A Note Of Alarm
REGULATIONS permitt the use of a horn at any ti to call assistance for driver or conductor of a I were laid before Parliam on Tuesday. They amen( and U Reg 110 which d. not......
Coach Chassis Frc Chrysler
BRITISH coachbuilders now studying plans foi front-engined Chrys coach chassis, derived fr the Cornmer Commando ' series truck. A Chry: spokesman told CM t there was no......