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Shopped Over Closed Shop?
JOANNA HARRIS' dispute with the Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council highlights the limitations of the 1980 Employment Actrs provisions on the Closed Shop. The facts are well......
Best Wishes, Mr Smith
AT THE END of February, I shall be retiring from my job as motor underwriter. It would be remiss of me to do so without a word of thanks to you and your colleagues for the......
Class 1 Difficulty
HAVING LOST my right eye in a car accident in 1975, I believed I was exempt from holding an hgv Class I licence owing to my infirmity. I am now 23 years old and have been in the......
Leave It To Professionals
I REFER to your Editorial of January 24, 1981. Whatever your personal opinions I do not think it helps industrial relations for you to use incorrect and inflammatory langauge to......
Phoenix Rises From The Ashes
I READ your detailed report c Seddon Atkinson (CM, Februa 14) with great interest. As a bodybuilding compan . we were also involved in discussions with SA during the recent......