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10 Per Cent Rises
SALARY increases for distribution management during 1982 averaged a surprisingly high 10.15 per cent, according to a recently published distribution salary survey, writes DAVID......
A NEW part-load rail-trunking service from Milton Freight Terminal near Abingdon to Motherwell in Scotland started on May 4. The terminal operator, Lansdown International......
Kildare Toll?
AN IRISH county council is proposing a 50p toll for lorries using a new by-pass from next year, as a means of raising general revenue. Kildare County Council's county manager......
Sbrs Move: To King's Cro!
SOUTHERN BRITISH Road vices' main London operatk moving to King's Cross. By June most of SB operation will have moved 1 the old Kentish Town depc the North London Frei Centre.......
Howell And Booth At Ft)
ALL SHADES of political opinion will be represented at the Fre Transport Association's national conference on September 21 22 at the London Hilton Hotel. Speaking at the......