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Government Haulage Scheme Details Available
CULL details of the road-haulage schethe organized by the Government in co-operation with the roadti'ansport industry are now available to operators. They can be examined at......
'lord Leathers To Address Institute Of Transport
O N November 12, at 1.15 p.m., at the Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, London, W.C.2, the members of the Institute of Transport will be addressed by Lord Leathers, Minister......
Waste Paper Is Not Waste To War Industries
P APER in all its forms, including . periodicals, books, sheet music, catalogues, almanacs, wallpaper, cardboard boxes, etc., is required most urgently for the, manufacture of......
Miners' Services Are In Jeopardy
E CONOMIC difficulties of the operators of miners' services:particularly in the North-east, seem likely to come to a head Zia the near future, because certain of the......