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930,000 Commercial Vehicles In France
F OLLOWING investigations carried out in 1950-1951, the French National Institute of Statistics has been able to arrive at correct figures for the total number of commercial......
Purchase Tax Must Be Reviewed
T HE opening of the London Metal • Exchange for free dealing in lead had been one of the biggest things affecting the battery business, said Mr. John Oldham,0.B.E., J.P.,......
£40m. Refinery Starting Work Rr He First Step Towards...
the Eziern. Kent oil refinery of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd., into operation, involving pumping 27,000 tons of Kuwait oil from the tanker " British Skill," was taken last......
Workshop Practice
I volume 3 of "Workshop Practice," recently published by The English Universities Press, Ltd., Warwick Square, London, E.C.4, the subjects dealt with include the reading - of......