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Taking The Air
Saw a neat means of keeping tyres at the right pressure the other day. An artic belonging to D. J. Russell Transport pulled into the Kent garage where I was filling up with fuel......
Safety Sense
I hear that gasps of surprise greeted the Minister for Transport when he addressed a House of Commons select comrd.ttee on European secondary legislation last week. And the......
All In A Name
Fashion is a funny thing, not least when it comes to vehicle names. At present the "in" idea seems to be numbers—almost every truck you can think of has a numerical......
Dead Limit
While many people who sat in the elegant surroundings of Committee Room 5 last week may have wondered what the hearing was all in aid of— especially a party who had made the......
Name Change
British is best, we were always told. Ong of the first positive moves to follow the re-organisation at what used to be the British Leyland Motor Corporation has been the......
Tradition Maintained
Whether or not there is special satisfaction in being able to park safely on a road in the heart of the City of London without fear of molestation by the wardens, there must be......