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Shop Talk
• Politicians believe the environment is a big issue with the electorate and road transport is a perennial whipping boy for the Government. Put the two together with an election......
Cummins Issues Additive Warning
• Cummins is warning against the indiscriminate use of fuel and oil additives in its engines. Although it agrees that there may be shortterm benefits of using the special......
Smoke Test Limit Set
• The Vehicle Inspectorate has set the limit for diesel exhaust smoke on the free acceleration test at 75 Hartridge units (K = 3.2m-1, 5.2 Bosch, 530gm 2 ) which, it says,......
Windscreen Repair Code
• A code of practice governing the quality and reliability of windscreen repairs has been drawn up by a BSI working party which includes members of the repair industry, glass......