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Not All Adblue Is The Same
I was abhorred about the The price is hiked' article (CM 24 October). You could say I have a vested interest as the MD of the largest manufacturer of AdBlue in the UK. While......
Top Stories Online
• Downton acquires C&H (Hauliers) • Stobart Group working hard on automotive improvements • M5 dosed after fatal accident involving three CVs • C&H deal will make us 3p1 giant,......
Cheers To Ed Pargeter
16 OCTOBER saw the sad passing of Edward Pargeter. His knowledge was gained from years in the industry and learning directly from courses and endless exams. His name is known......
Poll Of The Week
Last week's question Should fuel duty be cut for hauliers in remote rural areas? YES 7 NO 30 0,0 Next week's question Are 20mph speed limits in urban areas a good idea?......