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Met Targets Top Thieves
by Amanda Bradbury • A single gang of truck thieves is responsible for most of the truck thefts in London, Essex and Kent. The biggest ever truck theft investigation by the......
Stormont For Sale • Receivers Kpmg Put Stormont Vehicle Hire
up for sale this week. The Kentbased company has a £10m turnover and around 2,200 trucks, municipals and cars in the rental and contract hire sector. Rental round-up. • Vehicle......
Red Rover • Red Star Parcels Director David Burton Has
left the firm to rejoin Network South East in the run-up to privatisation. Production director Richard Eccles takes his place.......
Toll Time • Truck Tolls On The Cleddau Bridge In
Pembrokeshire have risen to £1.50. Extra cash is needed to pay for strengthening work for 44 tamers.......
Debt Dismissed • Newbury-based Silverlink Transport Held...
Hunmanby heave-ho • Trucks could be banned on a busy route between North Yorkshire and Humberside. Plans are being considered to exclude vehicles over 7.5 tonnes from the......
Super Six • Six Door-to-door Services A Day Between Britain
and France are being offered by Transmanche Intermoclal Logistics. The firm has been set up by CNC, Challenge International and P&O Ferrytnasters.......