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Poor Prospects In Coach Radio: New Developments In
R EARMAMENT commitments and I% manufacturers' reluctance to enter a field with a restricted market have dulled the prospects of supplies of, and improvements in, coach radio. A......
New Avon Sales Area
F ROM October 1, the Avon India Rubber Co.. Ltd., is to operate a new sales area which is at present geographically part of its northern region. The new district covers......
New Battery-electric For Bakers
O N show at the International Bakers' and Confectioners' Exhibition, at Olympia, from September 29—October 4, will be a new N.C.B. battery-electric mobile shop. Developed by......
.gandy Starts Brake Facing. Bonding
.S OME of the outstanding advantages kJ of the use of bonded brake facings are that they cab be worn to almost paper thickness before being. renewed, the absence of rivet holes......
Transport Classes
I N the City of London College's prospectus of evening classes, just issued, details are, given of facilities for students wishing to sit for the Institute of Transport......
Wakefield Share Issue
1 " - k A BIG share issue is being made by C. C. Wakefield and Co.. Ltd. It comprises 227,500 ordinary shares of 10s. each at £2 10s. per .share, and £1,250,000 of 41per cent,......