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Snooty Liveryman
Admission as a liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Carmen and a Freeman of the City of London is not something that one readily associates with a midshipman RNVR, to whom any......
Shocking Transport
vlalcolm Davis had - a bit of a ;hock" when he joined National L'arriers at Lavvley Street, 3irmingham. He was head of he department of economics ind commerce at Swanhurst......
A Machine That Does
A far cry from the seaside talking weighing machine of yesteryear a speaking computer has been installed at Ford's giant parts distribution centre at Daventry. Known as the......
Stepping On The Gas
International Harvester, who own Seddon Atkinson, claim to have reduced their consumption of energy worldwide by 15 per cent. Thanks to OPEC, they are now going to enjoy extra......
Quiet Launch
1 shot an ARO into the air, It fell to earth I can't say where Because its an official secret. The launch of the Romanian ARO and Tudor cross-country vehicles at a place that......
Slip Of The Tongue-10p
It costs 10p to call Ron Geary, a Heyfordian /Global coach-tour driver, a bus driver. He imposes this voluntary fine on passengers who are heard to • refer to him by what he......