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• Hdl Contract Hire Ward Foward Ward Has Become Egional
sales manager of HDL 3ontract Hire, a division of the lillsdown Group. He has held enior positions within the ransport industry during the est 13 years, including......
I Applied Hstribution Acwilliam ;ontact Distribution...
has ppointed Duncan McWiI[am as business development irector, with a brief to add irther blue chip names to the Dmpany's list of clients. McWilliam has previously rorked with......
• Ferrymasters Weir Robert Weir Has Joined Ferrymasters...
and forwarding supervisor for Scotland, based at the Glasgow office. Weir comes to Ferrymasters after 13 years with Transflash Cargo International.......
• Mei Furniture Group Dooley/rendell Joe Dooley,...
MFI Furniture Centres and head of the MEI distribution Centre in Northampton, is to retire this month. Dooley has been with MFI for 17 years, starting as a warehouse manager......
• Nfc Mayo
Philip Mayo is to relinquish his executive role as director of NFC's legal services at the end of this month. He will remain a non-executive director of the company until the......
• Erf Trucks Burns
Brian Burns has been appointed training manager for ERF Trucks. He joined the company after 15 years with Volvo Trucks. Brian is now setting up a framework for training and......
• Ferrymasters Oloffson Ferrymasters Central European...
Oloffson worked in Rotterdam as sales and marketing manager for the Danish shipping and transport group, DFDS, for six years. He has also worked for Cats Containerline and Tor......
Ii Post Office Teale/broughton Driver Royal Mail Parcels...
three new transport managers in the north east. Steve Teale takes up the post of district transport manager with responsibility for the new local delivery depots in the region.......
• Emery Worldwide Freeman The Uk Sector Of Emery Worldwide,
a CF company has appointed Tracy-Ellen Freeman to the inbound sales team from southern sales. She will be part of a group of three in the south, selling Emery Worldwide's......
• Obituary Bob Edge
Bob Edge, managing director of Johnston Engineering, died on 16 August. Edge joined the Dorking, Surrey-based municipal vehicle manufacturing company in 1983 as works manager......