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"through-rate" Links' With Europe
increasing importance of market T 1 1-1 1 distribution facilities in Britain and the contribution that " through-rate " links with Europe will make to Continental trade will......
Railways Will Gain Little—mr. Whitaker
T HE railways might do little more after modernization than retain their existing traffic, and gain hardly any new business arising from increased industrial activity. The......
T.r.t.a. Seek Facts On Deliveries
QPIOPKEEPERS in Putney, Rochford 1 .---.'and Folkestone have been sent forms by the Traders' Road Transport Association on which to record the times deliveries are made. A "......
Still More Haulage Students Needed
EXAMINATIONS in road transport subjects organized by the Royal Society of Arts last year attracted a greater proportion of students from road haulage than ever before, but the......