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Importance Of Road Transport
S PEAKING at the annual luncheon of the East Midland division of the TRTA on Tuesday, Mr. K. C. Turner, president of the Association, said that on the morrow of the General......
Vehicle Observer Corps In Oxford
COMMERCIAL vehicle operators in Oxford and Oxfordshire have introduced a plan to protect goods carried by road in the city and county a vehicle observer corps run by local......
East Anglian Amalgamation
THE transport businesses operated by the five member companies of the TER Group have, from April 1, been amalgamated into one unit which will trade as East Anglian Carriers Ltd.......
Canadian-licensed Tanker Demonstrated
UN DER an agreement with Truck Engineering Ltd., of Woodstock, Ontario, the Shipley, Yorks, company of W. P. Butterfield (Engineers) Ltd. has obtained sole UK rights to make and......
Kompass Register T He 1966 Edition Of The Kompass...
be published this month. This register, compiled by computer, is in three volumes giving access to more than 32,000 products made in the UK and details of some 26,000......