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Highland Tours: Minister Upholds Appeal
S TRATHPEFFER tours plan can now go on, as the Minister of Transport has upheld the appealby Northern Roadways, Ltd., Glasgow, the application of which, to take tourists from......
Leeds Backs Closed-shop Demand
S days' notice of dismissal was given to 14 employees. of Leeds Corporation Passenger Transport Department, on August I, in consequence of the department's "closedshop ".......
German Piston Manufacture From The Inside
A COMPREHENSIVE report on the 1 - 1 German piston and piston-ring industry has just been released by the Board of Trade. It is known as B.I.O.S.301 and costs 6s. Copies may be......
Searching Questions Put To Manchester Fares
'Manager in Inquiry R EQUESTS for comparisons with the Birmingham undertaking in respect of fares, reserves, renewals and accident figures were made during the protracted......