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Cabs: Sleep
first, not money AS ALWAYS WITH Europe, they do nothing to improve the conditions of cab size, and we only have an increase in dimensions to help with aerodynamics to reduce......
Get Over It, Its A Nice Truck
I'M SITTING in my office reading CM (1 August) and all I can think is what's all this about? The new FH is what it is: a new model with just about everything new (cab and......
I've Learned To
Love the FH I READ WITH interest the comments about the new Volvo FH in CM I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Volvo enthusiast and must admit that when I first saw the new FH last year, I......
Cyclists Aren't
safe in London THANKS FOR YOUR thoughtful editorial on the subject of cycling in heavy traffic being promoted (CM 11 July). As you point out, serious investment is needed before......