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Tigers Spring Into Green Line Attack
By Noel 'AiHier LONDON Country's Green Line coach operation will enter the competitive market with "the vigour usually attributed to private operators," company chairman Derek......
Southdown Is Quartered
SOUTHDOWN MOTOR Services is being reorganised into four separately accountable divisions to trasfer much of the decision-making and responsibility to its operating locations.......
Phoenix Appeal
PHOENIX Coachlines, one of the companies controlled by Wakefield businessman Harry Tranter, appealed against the refusal of the North-Eastern Traffic Commissioners to grant it a......
Nbc Predicts Hold-ups
DEREGULATION will be postponed for nine months, and National Bus Company privatisation will not happen until later, NBC's outgoing chairman Lord Shepherd said earlier this week.......
Order For Roe Workers
AN EMBRYONIC company is being formed by some of the redundant workforce from the Charles Roe body-building works in Leeds. It has won its first order. Elements of the Roe......