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Applicants Ploughed Back Their Profits
A PPLICANTS who told Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, that they had ploughed back profits for 1959 into their business, and spent £10,000 on new vshicles, were......
We Ignore Dec i s ion, ' Say Operators TT was alleged - before Ashton borough 1 magistrates, last week, that a firm of coach operators had written to the Traffic • Commissioners......
A.e C. Engines For Canadian Buses
T WO new types of bus have been designed by the Canadian Car Co.. Montreal, Canada, and both are fitted with A.E.C. AV690 oil engines, mounted transversely at the rear. The......
Micrograms. . .
Big Land-Rover Order: The Swiss Army authorities have ordered 240 Land-Rovers costing £160.000. New Address: The Lincoln branch of the Mercantile Credit Co., Ltd., is now at......