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Transport Trends
The Department for Transport's report Tram Trends 2003 shows that the total amount of freight moved rose 45% between 1980 and 2002, from 175 to 254bn tonne-kilometres. The......
Goods Moved
In 2002, road haulage accounted for 62% c all goods moved compared with 53% in 19 Goods moved by rail declined slightly in thE mid-1990s, but has since risen to reach ne 19bn......
Vehide Mileage
The average length of haul over which gooc are carried by road has increased from 67k in 1980 to 92km in 2002. The DfT says that during the 1980s goods vehicle traffic grew at......
Road Freight Effidency
Transport Trends 2003 also reveals that roa! transport has become more efficient. Just over 25% of goods vehicle mileage is now run empty, compared with more than 30% years ago.......