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Q Was Under The Impression That Since 1968 The Public...
vehicle driving licence and the heavy goods vehicle driving licence were distinctly separate licences and neither was interchangeable with the other. am informed that the holder......
Q A Precombustion Type Of Diesel Engine With Indirect...
less efficient than one with direct injection because of the pumping losses which result from the traneer of gases from the cylinder to the chamber on the compression stroke and......
Q Having Read A Number Of Reports On The Reduction Of
air drag offered by fairly simple streamlining, such as rounding the bodywork corners of a van, I was interested to hear from a technical colleague that in practice little......
Q I Have A Bedford Kc With A Plavorm "x Body
with an unladen and taxed weight of 2 tons 9ewt and a gross weight of 7.1 tons. However, I have a removable livestock container which is clamped on to the vehicle for livestock......