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VOLVO IN SHROPSHIRE • Hartshorne (Shrewsbury) on (0743) 236341 has become the 24th truck distributor in Volvo's UK network. The dealer is part of the Hartshorne Group, opened in......
INDUSTRY FORUM • Overdrive, Britain's biggest temporary drivers agency, is organising a transport industry forum at the Council Chamber of the Royal Borough of Kensington and......
Trucking Talent • Truck-skill '89, The Truck Show...
the Hampshire area of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition, is being held at Goodwood motor circuit, near Chichester, West Sussex, on 7-8 July. Saturday 8 July is public day......
Playing With Fire Fayre • Fire Fayre '89 Will Take
place on the weekend of 17-18 June at Oxhey Park, Watford, Herts. As well as a line-up of vintage fire appliances and sta tionary pumps, attractions will include fire rescue and......
Cvs At Geneva • The 11th International Commercial...
will be held in Geneva from 12-21 January. Any exhibitors should send in their application by 15 June 1989. Forms and information can be obtained free of charge from Orgexpo, PO......
SWITCHING INTO FAXES • Switched mode has introduced an audio-adaptor, which enables users of Philips mobile telephones to install in-cab faxes. Contact CBA Telecom, Redwood......
Dial Into Novatel • Novatel Communications Has Introduced...
mobile system, the 900 CM ETACS. The extended total access communications system Oyes a cellular service in rural, small or medium-populated areas for international markets. For......
Ala° SAFETY CODE • Akzo, manufacturer of Sikkens paints, has published a booklet on health and safety while using Sikken products. The eight-page brochure gives explanations for......
Signs And Labels • Signs And Labels Has Produced A
new catalogue which includes a section devoted to signs and labels used for transporting hazardous goods. For a catalogue phone 061-224 2606.......
FLUID POWER TRADE GROUP III A new trade association for distributors of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment has been formally launched in London. The British Fluid Power......
VAN SALES • Central Motor Auctions is introducing a "Top Van" sale to be held each Monday throughout the year, starting at 12:30hrs at Morden Road, Mitcham. For details call......
LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT • A professional qualification designating competence in logistics management is being launched by the Institute of Logistics and Distribution Management......
LUCAS ABANDONS ASBESTOS • The entire UK aftermarket range of Lucas Girling disc brake pads is scheduled to become asbestos-free by this autumn. The range will be converted......
Any Time, Any Place, Any Weigh • Ilyva (uk) Has
added a mobile pallet weigher to its Ravas range. It says that using this weigher, which costs under £3,000 for the standard model, the load can be weighed as soon as the pallet......