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Operator Plans To Sue Over Council's 'diabolical' Diversion
A ROAD HAULAGE company is threatening to take legal action against Cambrideshire County Council after the council set up a traffic diversion that allegedly resulted in one of......
Look Out For Hams' Distindive Man 7.5-tonne Dropside
A 7.5-TONNE MAN 8.163 dropsider was stolen from HamsTransport in Devizes, Wilts on Saturday 17 February at 8.30pm. It's painted in the Hams Transport livery of two-tone blue and......
Rapide Launch For Midlum
RENAULT TRUCKS has launched the Midlum Rapide programme, offering ready-to-go vehicles from the forecourt. The 7.5-tonne Renault Midlums in the Rapide programme come with either......
Trucks In Stamford Suffer For School-run Congestion
OPERATORS IN A Lincolnshire town suffering from gridlocked roads say a crackdown on LGVs flouting a truck ban ignores the real cause of the traffic jams — school runs. Police......