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Spares From Held-up Vehicles
A PARLIAMENTARY question, last week, addressed to the Minister 'of Supply by Mr. Glenvil-Hall related to an alleged practice of dealers in buying used motor vehicles against a......
North-western A.r.o.
OFFICERS ELECTED MORTH-WESTERN Area (Liver! ' pool) Committee of A.R.O. has elected the following officials for the ensuing year:—Chairman, Mr. W. McCready (McCready Bros.) 4......
New Motorcycles Now Controlled
T HE acquisition of new and unregistered motorcycles, except under licence, was prohibited as from last Monday, to ensure that new machines will, in future, be supplied drily to......
Refunds Of Vouchers For
UNIFORMS A USEFUL task has been undertaken foi the Board of Trade by the Public Service Transport Association. Under the Board's scheme for the issue of uniform clothing to......
Edinburgh Experiments With Gas-producer Fuel
i- r 0 the public utilities committee of Edinburgh Corporation it was reported that the gas department of the municipality had, since the outbreak of war, carried out......
Duke Of Kent Congratulates Road Transport
D ESPITE the cancellation of the C.M,U.A, luncheon which would have marked the 3Sth anniversary of this body, the annual general meeting, which took its place on April 30, was......