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Ci Up To December 1969/ Was Operating
a Leyland Beaver Unit with a Dyson low-loader, on general trade plates. Now that restrictions are imposed on trade plates, I find it unprofitable to keep and insure the vehicle,......
N Could You Recommend A French Journal, Preferably...
A Although there is really no French publicar-s tion'of our type, the following journals do, however, deaf with road transport: La Vie des Transports, 43 Chaussee d'Antin, Paris......
N Am I Wrong In Thinking That An Owneria. Driver
or an employee who is driving an hgv which is insured for business, private and pleasure use, may drive the vehicle after his "on-duty hours" for any length of time without......
G With The Ensuing Freedom Of Up To 76-ton-gross Vehicles...
the introduction of operators' licensing since March 1, and in order that we may look elsewhere, would it be correct to assume that it is necessary to terminate any contract......
Q Now That 16 Tons Gross Is A Dividing Lh& Line
for licensing I find that plenty of hauliers are looking more searchingly at the best way to use the 16-ton limit, We have been taking a close look ourselves, and reckon that......
N In An Article (cm January 2) Concerning
Arrow Bulk Carrier Ltd, Hull, it was indicated that the fail-safe brake system was originated by the chief engineer, Mr John Dawson, whereas I was under the impression that it......