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Scots Saviour For Lost Owners
SCOTTISH haulage eonwtor has come to the rescue fellow operators who were fined by offers of Middle 1st irtunes. Bill Wright, proprietor of illiam Wright Transport rvices Ltd of......
M-way Would Net £3m
INDUSTRY would save E3.2m each year if an AberdeenDunblane motorway is built to link north east Scotland with Britain's trunk road network. This is the conclusion of a Freight......
Itricter Smoke
fRICTER European exhaust emission standards will be :ceptecl in this country on petrol-engined vehicles. The provisions of United Nations Economic Commission gulation 15-03,......
Aore Transport Kcit Provisions
OST of the 1978 Transport A's provisions became law st week, with powers ng ng from county council ans to EEC drivers' hours id bicycle parking. Shire counties are required......