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That Tax Allowance
WE respond to Mr Bidmead's letter in Commercial Motor, July 28, 1984. We would like to make the following points: 1 The report does not state that lease rental tax allowances......
Where Are They Now?
DO ANY CM readers recall a company of light to medium commercial manufacturers called Burford? As I remember they operated from a factory in West Row, London W10, around 1930.......
The Very Last Word
IN RESPONSE to the letter from Miss Richards (CM August 181,1 will ask: how lucky can one be? First of all, how much did Miss Richards pay for her tests, hgv and ow? And as to......
Bigger Bridges
WE READ CM with interest each week; the article by Bob Greenwood (CM August 18) regarding the warehouse complex at Paddock Wood, was particularly interesting with regard to the......
We Are Unfair
I WRITE concerning the road test report on the VW Golf van in CM (August 18). Once again it seems that if it's foreign, it must be good. The report seems to be very......
Brake Failure
FURTHER to your article "Brake Test Failures" (CM August 25) in which you discuss the high rate of tailer test failures on 38 tonne, one year old tri-axle semi trailers, I feel......