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P H Ear I Ng Discussions With Objectors At Manchester On
Monday . esulted in an easy passage for an appli=ation by Haworth Schofield Ltd., who ought a new B licence for six vehicles, tubject to the surrender of three separate 2ontract......
D Uring 1964 Only 84 New Appeals Against Road Haulage...
decisions were lodged with the Transport Tribunal compared with 123 in the previous year. Of the 84, 16 were withdrawn. Of the 74 appeals actually heard by the Tribunal during......
Fines For Unlicensed Operating
Not Wanted in the Transport Business, says Defendant THREE men were fined a total of £107 at Romford (Essex) Magistrates' Court last week for 107 offences of transporting sewage......
B-to-a Grant For 29 Transfer Of 29 Tippers From B
to -1 A licence was granted to S. Jones, f Aldridge. by the West Midland Licenng Authority in chambers last week. fter discussions with the applicant, tree objectors withdrew......