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Hans Motors (london) Ltd,
Cobden Road, 'London SE26. THIS company is a concessionaire for Alfred Teves GmbH of Frankfurt/Main, Germany, which produces a wide range of brake servicing tools and Jest......
Elms Garage (birmingham) Ltd
Birmingham 30. THE Elms Garage Lightening Autoriveter brake and clutch relining tool clamps on a vice and is fully adjustable. It is claimed that the tool prevents the lining......
Jar Developments (garage Equipment) Ltd,
26-27 Diesel! Street, Birmingham 5. THE JARC 50 range of hydraulic brake servicing units is designed for complete investigation and servicing of hydraulic brakes. All existing......
E. P. Barrus Ltd,
12-16 Brunel Road, Acton, London W3. BRAKE relining machines, brake-drum lathes, disc refacers and brake-shoe grinders are included in the range of equipment made by the Star......
Pneumatic Components Ltd, Eyre Street, Sheffield Si 3gl.
THE PCL portable pressure brake bleed unit enables brake bleeding to be performed by one man and it can be used to bleed hydraulically operated throttle systems as found on a......