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Iveco/ford Controversy
MI I must write to express my disgust at your Dealer Guide (CM, July 26). We are one of the top Iveco Truck specialist dealers in the UK and, like many others, are not included......
Thirsty And Underpowered • As An Operator Of Light...
vehicles, I always read your light vehicle road tests with keeness to see if I have been missing out on the latest in light truck technology. Well, when I read the VW LT35D......
Powerful Printers
• I am writing on behalf Spectronics Micro Systems Ltd to commend you on the article on radioprinters (CM, July 12). We are very pleased to be involved with DIM on this project......
Conned Again • The Impending Increase In Drivers' Hours Is
definitely of no benefit to the lorry driver. Any person who thinks so must be a novice to our profession, or an idiot! It is yet another example of us all being conned into......
Lighter Foden • Your Supplement Transport Express (cm,...
stated that at 8,114kg the Seddon Atkinson R30L25301 8x4 "was claimed to be the lightest of any European eight-wheeler with a similar (5.87) wheelbase". The Foden S108 with the......