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Hours Cut Is Promised
• Leading British trade unions have pledged to reduce lorry drivers' basic working week to 35 hours within the next four years. At the International Transport Workers'......
112 Blitz Catches Faulty Coaches
• More than 40% of coaches stopped at a check on the A2 in Kent on 28-29 July were found to have faults. Out of the 263 coaches stopped at the junction with the M2 and A299,......
Daimler-benz Battles Alone
• Daimler-Benz is forging on alone to take over Spanish truck maker Enasa following MAN's withdrawal from the deal (CM 19-25 July). The German and Spanish firms are locked in......
Truck Sales Fall Rapidly
• Truck sales have plummetted by 16.3% to 176,027 during the first seven months of this year, compared to January to July last year. And during last month sales were down 16.6%......
Rsa Holds Cpc Teach-in
• The Royal Society of Arts is holding a series of meetings to explain the new Certificate of Professional Competence syllabus to teachers. The syllabus, which takes effect from......