Page 33

Infifyigg Wen
Your correspondent, The Hawk (January 26), seems to take such delight in vilifying Profes sor Foster, chairman of the Committee of Inquiry on Opera tors' Licensing. that balance......
Ateiftei Timm
In CM, January 19, there is an advertisement for a tyre regroover from Regrooving Equipment and Supplies Ltd. This advertisement states: "Stop throwing money away, save 10-20......
Egtituoitera Appeat
I should like to appeal through your letters page to haulage contractors everywhere to "do their bit" in rescuing haulage lorries from the 1945 to 1960 period. I am sure that......
I Think That The Letters Published On January 1 9,
"Silver lining" and "Disappearing juggernauts'', were well written and that their authors were quick off the mark. I do believe, however, that drivers should have gone the whole......
Pagigg Miaow
Would Mr D. Thomas please contact us and let us have the name and address of the customer who is paying some lucky person £900 per day for coach hire? As CM has pointed out, Mr......