9th January 2003, Page 10
9th January 2003
Page 10

Page 10, 9th January 2003
Is This Justice?
KEATS TRANSPORT—MICHAEL KEATS I No-one hkes a phone call at am; you're just not ready for it. ou're still asleep, in fact. And o-one likes bad news at Bam, articularly when it's......
• Chloro-acetyl-chlorlde Is Nasty Stuff. That's What The...
GlaxoSmithillIne told Barry Laverick anyway. it reacts wtth water forming hydrochloric acid. If It conies into contact with skin, it burns and can be absorbed through it causing......
Eric Vick Transport —eric Vick
• One of the Gloucester-based company's vehicles was searched in the British part of the Eurotunnel compound in Coquelles, near Calais in April 2000, and two stowaways were......