9th July 1937, Page 46
9th July 1937
Page 46

Page 46, 9th July 1937
What The Associations Are Doing
MINISTRY TO MAKE THE ROADS SAFE. The Ministry of Transport proposes to make all roads safe. Every defect capable of remedy must be cured. . This announcement was made by Mr. E.......
Flaws In Baillie Report Exposed
IF the Baillie Committee's recom mendations on wages and conditions be accepted, the three independent members recommended for appointment to the Central Board will, in effect,......
Three Aro. Sub-areas Hear S.t.r.
WHEN Mr. G. Lester, hon. secretary . W of the Gloucester Sub-area of A.R.O., was shown, a short while ago, one of our circulars calling attention to the meeting which S.T.R. was......