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Waste Disposal Lip Is Higher Prices
[IP LICENSING introduced ast month might mean price Increases for customers, warned Waste Disposal Association secretary Mr Nigel Wilcock this week. The new regulations demand......
3ecause He Was Satisfied Hat Henry Peacock Ltd,...
taken idequate steps to ensure its rehioles were properly mainained, the Northern LA, Mr 3. J. Foster, decided to take ro action against its 0 licence on Friday. The company had......
New European Road Services
NEW SERVICES between the UK and South West Germany and Switzerland have 'been announced by McGregor Cory Europe. Last week saw the first of a weekly !trailer service operating......
Overtime Ban At Leyland
OVERTIME will be banned at British Leyland's truck and bus factories in Lancashire from the beginning of next month unless a pay row is settled. Almost 9,000 workers agreed at a......
Business Chiefs Get Low-down
TO ENCOURAGE top management to take a close look at their company's transport operation, Inbucon / AIC Management Consultants Ltd is sending them a series of papers on road......